Hello and Thank You - 25 Gallon Cube

Thanks Josh the birdsnest pokerstar monti and undata I bought from you are doing great you can see the undata in the pic its to the left of the denrdo on the right arm sticking out and thaks for the free watermelons they are growing like wildfire one of my favorites

Glad to hear. Growing like wildfire is a blessing and curse... :)
Tank looks sweet. welcome to the site. hope to see you go even bigger someday. I can only imagine how nice that would end up.
Thanks jason, but I think this is as big as I want to go, I like the small water changes and simple maintenance. At this size It's still fun and not a chore for me. Although I am almost out of room for more coral. I guess I will have to start being a little more selective on what I add from now on.