Hello Chicago Reefers!


New member
Happy to find a chicago based reef community!

I've been in the freshwater hobby for several years and recently found an old 10 gallon tank in my alley that I decided to try and restore. It originally started as a sort of test of my silicone sealing skills to see if I could successfully reseal a tank and make it look professional. The project went well and the tank has been restored nicely!

After testing for leaks and then cycling the tank for a few weeks I decided to take my GF to the LFS to get some ideas of what I wanted to stock. I was originally aiming to do a heavily planted freshwater tank, but was quickly about to have my tank hijacked. My GF wandered into the saltwater side of the LFS and instantly fell in love with all the dwarf and scarlet hermits. At this moment I knew my plans for the tank went right out the window and shortly after we were buying salt and a refractometer...

I filled the tank with 1.5" of aragonite sand and 10lbs of south seas base rock. I also got 2lbs of LR from the LFS to help the cycle along. The tank finished cycling after 6 weeks and we were able to pickup her scarlet hermits and some snails this last weekend. No real plans for fish yet since it's a 10 gallon and there aren't too many options. Might just get a single Firefish to go in.

The tank is just a FOWLR at the moment but the plans are to eventually fill it with some easier coral since this is my first SW tank. Taking it nice and slow for now. If there's one thing I've learned to have in this hobby and that's patience.
Figured I should post a few pics!

Here's how the tank looked when I found it:


Me repairing it:


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Congrats on the new tank and welcome to the forum. If you want to add some fish I'd look in the goby/blenny selection. You can find some amazing tiny fish but they like to hide in the rocks

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Thanks for all the welcomes and ideas!

I agree I may get a type of goby. I like their personality even they're shy and hide for awhile. The LFS wanted to sell me an Emerald crab but I declined because I was thinking either Porcelain or Pom Pom crabs would be more interesting.

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