Nice rock construction, good mix of corals. I need to think about camera, cell phone just doesn't do it with reef tank pictures.
Great pics, love the colors.
is it a hard coral? You can always put it in a straight vinegar solution for just a couple minutes. It should disolve the live tissue and leave white skeleton if it's hard coral. How long have these green things been growing on your rocks?
I just found them yesterday. So I need to pull the rock out to do this. What about aptasia X? And what coral could it be?
In the photo you already have a peice out of the tank, no?
Unless it's aiptasia (I think we can all agree it's not) why would you use a killer designed for it?
It looks like it has a hard coral skeleton under the green. Just tank the peice in the photo and plunk it into a cup with vinegar for a few minutes, then rinse with water. A bright white skeletn will poop out if it's a hard coral.