Hello everyone

Thanks guys for welcoming me. I am gonna post some pics. Could some one tell me how to get rid of the green hair algae in my tank it is annoying 08E3519A-5D40-47E6-9D8A-63FA0A400A9B.jpeg7D6C8A65-C064-4659-8B4D-8C89CD673252.jpeg4B9DC9AF-A585-417A-A2B8-ABFEA442C71B.jpeg
Tank is looking good. As far as algae cleanup goes, tell us what kind of cleanup crew you have in this tank. Perhaps you need to increase snails, small hermits, urchin, etc.
Turbo snails eat that stuff I think. most will you to remove most of it by hand as much as you can. Some will also say what are you nitrate and phosphate which could be responsible for the algae. Then they will go on and say feed less. Well, I say if you can get a refugium and grow chaeto and let the chaeto have those nutrients. That is a long term solution
a short term would be to pull much as you can and get a cleanup crew that will eat it.
I take a different approach to algae because I have fish the eat cleanup crew. Instead, I try to limit PO4 by having an efficient skimmer, using GFO, or Latham I’m chloride. But first....you need to test your PO4 levels.

Feeding your fish less is probably a good place to start. Fish don’t need much food.
You stepping into the matrix with the algae question in your first post. Need water chemistry parameters and a description of filtration and lighting.