Hi everyone, I am putting together a 75gal FOWLR system. I have been out of the hobbie for some time and wanted to get into it again so here goes.
Purchased and at the house now is a Marineland 75gal corner overflow tank with an oak canopy and stand. I painted one coat of black paint on the back of the tank but have to do a couple of more coats to make sure I have good coverage. I was given a black background when I purchased the tank but I opted to paint it instead.
As of today on the FedX delivery truck I have a few items to help piece it together. Not much but its a start.
Coming via FedX this week will be an Aqueon Proflex Model 2 Sump (still on the fence if I should have bought the Model 3 instead)
An API Master Saltwater Test Kit
An Aqueon 25ft water changer
A Fluval E series 300w heater
2 Koralia Magnum 5 powerheads
A Magfloat for glass only----my wife said I had to add this!
And 40# of Special Grade Reef Sand.
I may be purchasing in the next few weeks a Marineland Reef Capable LED system with timer for my lighting. Your thoughts and comments are needed here
One thing I am on the fence with is what pump I should go with.
Its between the RIO 2500 or the Magdrive 7, what would you suggest?
Lastley I will also be purchasing an Octopus 1000SSS Spacesaver Skimmer.
Anything else I may need that I might be forgeting?
I will be updating this thread as I go along but it will be a slow process,
cheers for now.
Purchased and at the house now is a Marineland 75gal corner overflow tank with an oak canopy and stand. I painted one coat of black paint on the back of the tank but have to do a couple of more coats to make sure I have good coverage. I was given a black background when I purchased the tank but I opted to paint it instead.
As of today on the FedX delivery truck I have a few items to help piece it together. Not much but its a start.
Coming via FedX this week will be an Aqueon Proflex Model 2 Sump (still on the fence if I should have bought the Model 3 instead)
An API Master Saltwater Test Kit
An Aqueon 25ft water changer
A Fluval E series 300w heater
2 Koralia Magnum 5 powerheads
A Magfloat for glass only----my wife said I had to add this!
And 40# of Special Grade Reef Sand.
I may be purchasing in the next few weeks a Marineland Reef Capable LED system with timer for my lighting. Your thoughts and comments are needed here
One thing I am on the fence with is what pump I should go with.
Its between the RIO 2500 or the Magdrive 7, what would you suggest?
Lastley I will also be purchasing an Octopus 1000SSS Spacesaver Skimmer.
Anything else I may need that I might be forgeting?
I will be updating this thread as I go along but it will be a slow process,
cheers for now.