I picked up a Rio 2500 this weekend along with the tubing and clamps. So I can mark that off my list. Yesterday I ordered my RO/DI unit from Marine Depot, should be here by Friday.
Looks like everything is coming together just fine with getting the needed equipment.
On a side note I talked to my brother who is taking down his 300gal reef tank and he said he would give me a Neptune controller, New Skimmer and new Chiller and some other things along with all his live rock (he had, a boat load in that tank, all from Hawaii) if I wanted it. Wow what a score there. Only thing is I dont know where Im gonna store all the rock.
Looks like everything is coming together just fine with getting the needed equipment.
On a side note I talked to my brother who is taking down his 300gal reef tank and he said he would give me a Neptune controller, New Skimmer and new Chiller and some other things along with all his live rock (he had, a boat load in that tank, all from Hawaii) if I wanted it. Wow what a score there. Only thing is I dont know where Im gonna store all the rock.