Hello guys!


Active member
Hey everyone, new member here. Ive been around on RC and nano-reef for awhile but things are slowing down there and i thought i would try this neat new forum. Ive been in this hobby for about 5 years and currently got a 29 gallon Biocube cycling after taking down my humble 125. Its pretty cool here and i hope to stay and play! Wiz ;)


Welcome to the forum. Nice looking tanks you got there. Tell us more about what you have in them.

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:wel1: Glad to have you around. I'm sure you'll love it around here + we don't have all that RC mod drama around here! Your 125 looked awesome, so sad you had to take it down :( Hope to see you around!
Thanks everyone! Ill have my nano build going soon for those interested. Im liking it here, laid back-my style. Wiz ;)