

New member
Hello everyone! I am a teen Chicago aquarist (on this site with my parents approval). I am new to the forum and hoping it will provide information. I have been keeping freshwater tanks for a few years now, and think its time to get a reef! Sometime in the summer ill be getting a 29 biocube, so in the meantime I'm looking for information, and gathering money:). So thats it for now, i just wanted to introduce myself!
Welcome to chicagoreefs! Looks like your starting off on the right path. Doing your research first and taking your time is important in this addiction.
Welcome Alex people in here are awesome. Glad to see someone new. Check out the nano section to get ideas for your tank. Whenever you are ready I will gladly give you some frags as well.
Welcome to the site! Very knowledgable people are on this site. If you ever need help ask and i'm sure someone will gladly assist you.