Help!! Coral issues. Separate?


what i did was i took out both brains and put them in a 10 gallon tank with fresh seawater. added a small filter for circulation and led light's that i was using to grow xenia in my fuge thing i have going on down in my stand. the lights were ok, but i didn't think they were strong enough for the brains. anyways, after about a week the brain started to deteriorate until there was nothing left but skeleton on most sides. it took it out due to the fact that it was not only dying and letting loose flesh all over the 10 gallon, but it made things difficult because i would have to do daily water changes because it was rotting in the tank and there was brown slime stuff on it. it smelled terrible. strangely enough, the welso got better but it would never puff up completely. it would puff up, but not to the point where the skirt was extended greatly. anyways all was well until the yellow tang, the tomini tang, and the desjardini tang started picking on a rather favorable fish of mine. after a battle of wits and me eventually removing half of my rockwork i was finally able to take them out of the tank. that being said, a 10 gallon is way to small for them, so i had to switch from the 10 gallon to the 40g breeder i had, which i had previously mistaken for a 30 gallon. after switching the 10 to the 20 i realized that i wouldn't be able to manage the tank with the welso and the tangs at the same time. i put the welso back in the main tank. right now, it went back to the condition it was in before, and after testing the water i realized that the three elements were not that bad. not where i want them, but not that bad still. i believe it may be the lighting that bothers the welso.

on another note, the results were

where i want them
to be truthful i have never tested alkalinity before. can anyone provide input on where it should be kept please? i keep finding acceptable ranges all over the place.
12.8 in my opinion is very high. I think, but I'm not positive the ocean sits around 7 something. I know in my tank I keep my alk around 8.5-9.25. Normally it sits at 8.75-9, but sometimes I have small swings. If you are reading 12.8 is acceptable I bet the article is a few years dated. I remember a few years back people thought higher alk was a good thing, but that way of thinking has changed. Now I believe the standard thought is try to stay slightly above natural seawater.
12.8 in my opinion is very high. I think, but I'm not positive the ocean sits around 7 something. I know in my tank I keep my alk around 8.5-9.25. Normally it sits at 8.75-9, but sometimes I have small swings. If you are reading 12.8 is acceptable I bet the article is a few years dated. I remember a few years back people thought higher alk was a good thing, but that way of thinking has changed. Now I believe the standard thought is try to stay slightly above natural seawater.

+1, slowly get that alk down and double check with another test kit. You can grab an API from Sho Tank, and Matt might double check it if you bring him a water sample.
I recommend the Hanna checker for alk. Very easy and quick. No gauging color change. There ulr phosphorus is also a good one. Stay away from calcium though very inaccurate.
i knew my alk was off. i was wondering because somewhere online i found a thread where people said they kept theirs at over 11. i am using the salifert test kit and i got it just yesterday. i tested at night though so does alkalinity rise at night compared to the daytime? i am doing daily 5 gallon water changes but instead of using reef crystals (which i used before), i'm using instant ocean.
haha surprisingly enough, the brain that i lost i've had for over two years. when i got it it was 6" across(puffed up) and before my chemistry got mixed up it got to the point where it was almost a foot wide puffed up.

i like the concept of the hannah checker and i hope to try it out someday but unfortunately i don't have the money for it right now :/

how would i go about lowering the three? i'm already doing the water changes, is there another way?