Help me stock my 120


So I had a the following fish in my 120 SPS dominated peninsula:

The fish need to be ok with good flow as I have 2 MP40s 1 sync, 1 anitsync (peak of 50% power)on one side of the tank, with a 5000+ compact for a return pump.

2 Leopard Wrasses
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 Swallow Tail Angel
1 Frostbite Clown
1 Misbar Black Ocellaris
1 Christmas Wrasse
1 Yellow Goby
1 Pistol shrimp

Well I had 3 failures in my controller in 4 days so it wiped out all my fish except for a Sailfin Tang and my Christmas Wrasse.

So now I'm going a new route with my tank. I'm going to ditch the large fish and I want to create a reef like setup with my current corals. So I'm looking to do smaller fish that will be a bit more active when the lights are on. My current Sailfin is going back to AquaPros and I'm going to pick up a few new fish. I'm only keeping my Christmas Wrasse.

Here is what I'm leaning towards. Any other I should add to the list or should I scratch any?

  • Hector's Goby
  • Leopard Wrasse
  • Goby/Shrimp pair (not sure which)
  • Clown Goby (leaning towards Orange)
  • Anthias (not sure which) – pair
  • Blenny (not sure which)
  • Fancy Clown (not sure which) – pair
  • Firefish (maybe purple)
  • Mandarin