help me take better pictures

I took a lot of pictures today of birds and some of them have this pinkish hue around the body or trees. You can see it in this picture on the stomach area and the feet. What is it and how do I get rid of it? This is the edited version of the RAW. The RAW file had that hue too.

It's called chromatic aberration and is mostly cause of the lens that is used

It can be dealt with using photoshop

Read about chromatic aberration correction In Photoshop
Chromatic aberration can sometimes be corrected in LR5 under lens correction. Mostly I've noticed that it reduces it not completely fix it
Thanks a lot Tin and Jimy. I managed to fix it in LR5. Here are some post edited after the correction. I tried to reduce it as much as I could. I need to mess with the lens correction setting a bit more.
