Help Save My Clownfish

Hello, first post on here...I wish it was under better circumstances.

So I have a 12 gallon nano cube which has been running for just over three months now. A week and a half ago I introduced my first fish into the tank, a bonded pair of clownfish. I was told that they're a cross between picasso and semi-puzzle piece but I'm not entirely sure. I got them from Old Town Aquarium, maybe someone on here can properly identify them.

So yesterday morning after I left for work my girlfriend decided to "feed" them. She put in about 5-6 times the safe amount of food and when I got back home the water was like milk and the female clown was on her way out. I did a 50-60% change siphoning up the piles of food that were everywhere and dosed some prime to neutralize nitrates/ammonia but unfortunately she died last night.

I moved the male to a five gallon bucket until I've sorted everything out with my tank. He is swimming around actively and seems ok.

If anyone would be willing to babysit him for a couple weeks I would be so so grateful. This is my first saltwater tank and the whole experience has got me really depressed and questioning whether or not I should be in this hobby. I just really want to save the little guy, if anyone could help me out until I get his home fixed I would appreciate it so much.

I have more pictures of him I can send, he's very beautiful.

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Do you have any pictures of the water now? What kind of food was fed and how long was it in there for before the water change?

If food was the only reason, a large WC should be enough to safely house the fish again in your tank. I'd recommend testing the Ammonia in the tank and let us know!
I do not have any pictures of the current state of the water. I can post some after I'm home from work today. However I can describe what happened pretty well:

She fed them two heaping scoops of Omega one Marine pellets, all at once using the spoon included with the food. She fed them around 8am and I got home at 6:30 pm so a span of 10.5 hours. When I got home the water was extremely clouded, it looked like someone had dumped about a quart of milk in there. The female was lying on the sandbed gasping. I immediately changed out 60% of the water, swapped out the filter floss and turned the pump back on.

This morning the water was basically just as cloudy as it was last night and has developed a very strong odor. I can do a water test when I get home but I'm afraid that it wont be very accurate because I think all of my levels are locked up with prime. Maybe not, I'm not sure how long the prime lasts.

Any suggestions on my best course of action?
I'm running chemi-pure blue and purigen, they are the same ones that I had in there when the overfeeding occured. Should I swap them out for something different? Side note, does anyone know what type of clowns these are by the way? I would like to find him another friend when the time is right and I don't want to get the wrong type of clown.
I would change out whatever filtration you are using for new ones, as the old ones are probably bad now if it's still cloudy.

The clowns look like some type of snowflake...
Yea I would swap out the filter pads. The clown looks like a snowflake or maybe black ice to me. Where in Lincoln Park are you? I could stop by and see if I could help at some point this weekend.
That would be amazing. Like I said I am new to this and I am nervous about doing anything else wrong so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I am right near Clybourn and Webster
IMO, clowns are hardy. Not many reasons can cause them to die that quickly. Lack of oxygen is one of the main reason.
I saw you mentioned "turn the pump back on" do you mean your GF turned it off when she feed the fish in the morning?

The clowns do look like Picasso X snow hybrid.