Help with live rock ID

If its FOWLR, and you don't mind the way those things look (personally, I think bubble algae looks cool...., majanos can add color, aiptasia can be ugly, but can also add movement (if they get big enough). Really, you'd only be worried about it "overrunning" the tank if you need that real estate for coral, other macro algae (which could out-compete it possibly), or if you flat out do not like the look. There are also some beautiful fish that will eat all of that for you that we simply cannot keep in reef tanks. If you're going FOWLR, I would encourage you to look for non-reef safe fish, as you actually have the opportunity to enjoy them! Raccoon-faced butterfly fish are beautiful, have a lot of personality, and eat aiptasia! :) Just a thought....
Just wondering about keeping the green bubble algae. Although it looks cool. The few critters that eat it to keep it under control seem to be hit or miss.
I had a very small amount and its gone now - guessing my emeralds got to it. I think ultimately the thing with a FOWLR tank is that you have more options for control, and less of a need for control - so take that how you will. If you don't like the look of something, kill it now before it spreads. If you don't mind, or killing it would be more trouble than its worth, than let it be, and deal with it later with a natural predator. Another cool idea for FOWLR tanks is a nice macro algae tank - there are tons of beautiful macro algae, and even a few true plants like sea grass. Of course, some fish will decimate that idea, like tangs, but still, another alternative to coral.