Help with Potters wrasse


Premium member
Hey guys,

So i bought a tiny potters wrasse last week, he is about a inch long. He has been doing fine and coming out everyday for past 4 days. He is being harassed a little by my blue star leopard but today I saw them swimming next to each other and no fighting! anyways the little guy just buried himself in the sand somewhere in my 120 I think on the right side of the tank and its unusual for him because usually he stays out till around 11pm. I know these guys are hard to keep alive until they get established but I was wondering what I should do in case he doesn't come out tomorrow. Should I not be worried/ is this normal behavior for him not to have a set schedule the first week in my tank? my other wrasses pretty much wake up and go to sleep on their own at like the exact same time every night. parameters are all on point and everything is looking good, i just don't want to lose him because one I don't have any money to go buy a new one and two it took me two months just to find one. any help is appreciated!

Its hit or miss nothing u can really do right now . The most suscess ive had with leopards i had to either put them in sump so i can feed them till they r fat and healthy enough so when they go into dt even if chased for for days they r fat enough to survive had amost every kind of leopard they have and havent lost any since doing this had to give few away because of fighting with each ither but thats another issue lol. Now all u can do is wait and see
Its hit or miss nothing u can really do right now .

This, nature is in control... They might settle down, it's happened to several of my wrasses, but also note that it can happen later after everybody seems happy. The only way to avoid fish on fish aggression is to only have one fish.
From experience. . They take about a week or so till they start feeling comfortable.. Mines wasn't eating @ the lfs. But I knew that they are timid fish when introduced . You'll be fine.. where didn you get it? Been searching for one
I got her at that warehouse in bensenville. Unfortunately I woke up this morning to her being eaten by my shrimp and cleanup crew

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Bummer! Those are beautiful fish and was going to buy one but was talked out of it by a friend who said they're so hard to keep.

Potters wrasses seems like a fish they shouldn't import since the mortality rate is so high.
Ive had mine for few yrs now and got it from Underwaterworld too any stress when first introduced pretty much is nail in coffen but if u can isolate em for month suscess rate will go up i used acclimation box no sand so they cant hide all the fish can see him/her and get used to it but not harm it also they cant hide in sand to die forced to stay out gets them eating faster and use to tank mates done it last ten wrasses havent lost one least to acclimation lost few to fights months after and was fights between other leopards and one to internals but worked great for acclimating em
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I have three blue star leopards and three potters wrasses in my 120 gallon reef. I added them at the same time and never had an issue but I do have a refugium. Mine love frozen Mysis and I also feed them nori on a clip (they go nuts for it). Purchased them all at reefwise but I also bought some in the past at Xzotic Aquarics and always had success.
I have three blue star leopards and three potters wrasses in my 120 gallon reef. I added them at the same time and never had an issue but I do have a refugium. Mine love frozen Mysis and I also feed them nori on a clip (they go nuts for it). Purchased them all at reefwise but I also bought some in the past at Xzotic Aquarics and always had success.

damn man how about a pic or a video would love to see that!!!