Herbie overflow


Premium member
Hey guys so I'm getting ready to start plumbing the tank and I have kinda a dumb question.. I have a kinda a dumb question. So with the herbie one pipe is an emergency and the other is a siphon.. Where is my return going to go seeing as there is only two drilled holes in the tank

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Awww man I ain't trying to drill a hole and I don't want to have anything coming over the back of the tank that will make it look not as nice cosmetically

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Is there anyway wrong with the durso setup other then the noise you may get

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The noise, all the air bubbles in the sump that turns into nasty salt creep, adjusting return pump to lower whats draining into sump.
Herbie is better. My sump is silent. Looks like water not even draining into it because you don't see any bubbles. No salt creep.

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The noise, all the air bubbles in the sump that turns into nasty salt creep, adjusting return pump to lower whats draining into sump.
Herbie is better. My sump is silent. Looks like water not even draining into it because you don't see any bubbles. No salt creep.

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Ugh grrr ok so what do I do just run a hose from the return pump up over the back of tank

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Above is what I did. Use 90 degree PVC to arch over the top of your tank. Mix of PVC and flexible tubing fro pump going up the back of tank (flex tubing helps silent pump vibration and noise). I painted PVC black for looks.

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Is there anyway wrong with the durso setup other then the noise you may get

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Quiet is one benefit, the bigger benefit is redundancy. With onyl one drain pipe, what is going to happen WHEN, not IF there is an eventual blockage? The Herbie or better yet Bean Animal drains have redundancy.
This is all so frustrating.. I hate when I don't know anything about something like plumbing

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