Hey all


New member
Hey everyone. Joining from north of the border and sayin hi! Not too big of a reef scene up here so this still qualifies as local for me. :woohoo: Currently have a 6ft 150G that's been up just over a year with softies & lps. I had fowlr & softie tanks for years, then took a break for a couple years, and finally got back into it with the 150G.
WElcome to ChicagoReefs Kris. 6" 150 are a great sized tamo IMO, what fish do you keep in it? Have any pictures to share?

I'm at 3 inhabitants only in the DT; Niger Trigger, Kole Tang, Chainlink Moray. Sump has my Aussie Harlequin Tusk in it because he wasn't playing nice with the Kole when I recently added him. Will have to wait til I get a few more posts in apparently to post pics.