HOLY WTF is this

1.What's the size?

A) about 1/4 inch

2.Have you seen it moving around or is it stationary? - Edit - just saw your response regarding the coral dip - do you remember seeing it move before then?

A) 1St time I ever seen it it was on the wellso after I dipped it I actially had to pick it off ..so I never seen it moving

3.Does it react at all to being touched?

A) it was dead when I found them

4.Can you see any eyes or anything else "anatomical" on it (tentacles, siphon, any indication of "parts", etc.)?

A) I didn't see anything like eyes ect...(not saying there was anything )

5.Turn the thing over - do you see anything different or anatomical now?

A) I cant I mashed it up .(sorry)

6.Is it completely soft, or can you feel any sort of shell/hardness on/within it? - Looks like you've already answered this one - it's squishy, so I'll take that as a no, but try it again just to make sure. Take the end of a turkey baster or whatever you have laying around and poke at the thing. When you do that, does it go right in (like the Pillsbury dough boy) or do you feel like you're hitting something? It may not be very hard, but it's apparent that the "thing" has some sort of membrane/shell/structure inside that will cause some resistance to being poked.

A) it was kinda soft but it had a harder (but soft ) core that broke down with a little restance ... when I did smash it it was all brown and gooey no internal stuff like blood or guts ect... with clear mucas

7.I can't quite tell from the photo, but do you see any sort of pattern to it or is it pretty much all one color?

A) no color just brown and gooey

8.If the thing is stationary and hasn't moved at all, put it in a cup of SW, take your turkey baster and blast some water at it. Does it stay intact or start falling apart? Does it look any different now? Maybe it's something like a piece of bubble algae with some sort of bloom (algal/coral slime, etc.) around it.

A) didn't seem like alage... weird that it was on the same exact spot that the wellso was dying .... also there was 2 of them (looked the same just one was smaller ... and my wellso has to bad spots
It was killed by the coral dip. So it wasn't moving

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Bwahahaaa! Thanks, I laugh every time I see that guy. The thing is, I'm sure he wants to be taken seriously but I just can't quite get beyond that crazy 80's hair and listen to what he's saying. Instead, I'm wondering how the heck he came up with the idea, how he styles and manages it, and how funny it would be to see him in one of those rooms where they test tornadic winds. I figure the idea must have started with a convertible or a high-speed boat, styling = blow dry hair upside down with a ton of product, then hairspray the heck out of it - while it's still upside down, and finally I'm guessing you'd need a minimum wind speed of around 40mph to put a dent in that coif!
Gotcha Dave, thanks. Honestly, I don't know what the heck it is/was. Not having innards/guts rules out anything in my area, which is critters. In addition, I've never seen anything like that on any Blasto's I've had, so I'm no help there either. It/they could have been anything from some sort of algae, to a polypoid growth or stage of something else, to a "slime" of some sort, an egg capsule/mass (from what -??), or even something that tried to get a start there, but died and ended up encapsulated. Fortunately, whatever the two things were, they've been separated from the coral, so that's a plus. Wish I could have been more help - sorry about that!