Horshoe Crab safe?


New member
I have an up and coming 180 gallon and i would like to put a horshoe crab in it, but I am planning to put in some preditors (such as an eel and flounder). If i get a fairly large horshoe crab will the preditors not touch it if it is to big, or will they still pick at it? I have a 65 gallon i can put it in untill it grows big enough
These are animals best left in the ocean. They need to have a large area without rocks where they can burrow in the substrate, which isn't a problem at the size when you buy them but they'll grow to around 12" across and 18" long. They don't have much flexibility and they keep getting itself stuck in corners in the rock work and can't figure out how to get itself out. These guys really need a wide open sandy bottom and if you're going to have any rock in the display, you'd better find some way to permanently anchor it all down, because they'll dig under the rocks. Worst case is it causes a rockfall that cracks your tank.


Get the truth and facts:
Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus at MarineBio.org

From the above:
1. They grow large;
2. They are not tropical -- they prefer cooler waters of the Atlantic northern coast;
3. They take so long to reach sexual maturity that their numbers must be kept high or they will easily become extinct. Their eggs supply a lot of other marine life a means of sustenance.

1. Not suitable for a home aquarium;
2. In a tropical marine aquarium, they slowly cook to death -- water temperature should be around 70 or less.
3. Harvesting/collecting them should be crime -- it most likely will be soon.
+1 Jeni...they aren't suitable for our tanks. And to answer your question, no matter the size they get, many predators will still pick at them.
Thanks for the advice, definatly won't be putting that one in. Anenomes should be good with preditors correct? Are there any other invertebrates that do well in that sort of tank?
I am aware, I do not plan on putting it in soon but i bought the system running, with only about a week in between taking it down and setting up (due to needing to repair stand) which will leave an obvious cycle period but not as much as a new tank