How big is too big?


New member
So... I apparently have this rather large emerald crab in my tank. Well, large relative to my other crabs, he's probably almost 2 inches across, and each claw is abut 3/8ths of an inch... More or less, I'm terrible at estimating distance and length. I'm not particularly concerned, he seems to happily scrape rocks for bits of food, but should i be concerned? Will emeralds ever get aggressive or beligerent?
it seems general consensus is that emeralds are unpredictable at best and the bigger they get the more that is true. Nearly all crabs are omnivores so they will eat what they want when they want. If he's got enough to pick at he probably will stay cool, but hunger is a great motivator for experimentation. Just remember; Herbie's island of misfit HH and pests will always welcome a new resident. :)
Heh, why do I get the feeling you just want a free crab...? ;)

Sounds like what I figured - he's to be watched at the very least. Luckily I'm pretty sure I massively overfeed my tank, especially considering that I'm really only feeding coral and 3 cleaner shimp....

Its a really pretty crab, dark green, almost black shell with a great sheen to it, happy to have him while he behaves at least!