How Much Flow is too Much for SPS

Would you mind expanding on why you are interested in making that change?

I try to blast flow in my tank, but it's shallow tank, so I can't drive my powerheads to full power because I start blowing sand around. when I had bare bottom, I used to blast the heck out of my SPS.
More flow is a happier coral, in my experience. I run over 100X turnover in my frag tank with SPS, LPS, Zoas, Clams, etc., and everything is happy as can be! Just don't blast anything directly!
Thanks for the opinions guys, keep them coming. I know more of you have an opinion and thought on flow for SPS tanks.

Here are some more responses from Reef Central as well:

If your branches are thin and whispy looking as the SPS grow, then you have too much. You can also get short stubby ones that just want to encrust, as described above. Whatever the volume, the flow needs to be effective - not all flow is effective. Something like a wavebox moves very little water, but it is effective and SPS grow with very nice patterns and have good PE even down in the shadows that is hard to duplicated in captivity. Back in the early BB tank days, people wore their flow rate as a badge of honor and I am not too sure that all of it was good.

I do use a wavebox since I love the growth patterns that they give with ease - waveboxes are not the only way to do this, just the most reliable that I have used. I also use a few tunzes at half power so that the fish don't have to work too much, but are also not getting blown all over the place.

(...)I'd expect to see less linear extension rates and more increases in density.

At one time, I had a Pocillopora colony that was about 8"x8" and weighed close to 10lbs. The branches were very short, thick and only emerged from the very top. As they grew, they anastomosed into a solid mass of skeleton.

I have noticed thin long skinny or whispy branches in tanks with not enough flow not tanks with too much. I keep lots of flow to avoid this look...

I love lots of flow, makes the corals grow thicker and more natural in my opinion. I had 2 wp40 s, 2 mp40s, and a wp25 on a 50 gallon shallow rubbermaid, so I don't think it's too much. If your corals are fine and growing the way you like then keep it going.

I also had a big red pocci get so big and thick it was just a big ball and was impossible to frag. Same thing happened with my blue stylo.

Also the heavy flow is not slowing growth imo, it's just making the corals more dense and thick. Which I think looks more healthy and natural. To each their own.

As long as it doesn't blast coral polyps off there skeleton you should be fine. A stronger water flow allows more water to pass over the corals which allows them to absorb more nutrients which in turn should increase growth rate. Not much more growth than normal but hey, us reefers need all the inches we can get :P
mai i took ur advice and went out and got 2 of these u think thats enough for my tank?? it a 37 gallon
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Personally, I think the topic of too much flow is very much subjective, just like the topic of too much light. It all depends on the tank and what your coral can handle or are used to. I don't think there is ever a right or wrong answer, although everyone will give you their opinion on what they think is right. Same as with lighting, all you can do is try it and see how the coral respond.

On my 60g cube, I run 2 MP10's at 100% on Reef Crest mode. This means that when they are running all out, my corals are getting 3600 gph of flow, plus whatever my return is putting out. But since my tank has been running for 3.5 years like this, I know it is the right amount of flow for my tank.
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Come on now, I KNOW you have a good answer to this question. @EricTheRed, just remembered about your tank too!

I've been on vacation for most of the last week without wifi :)

I have opposing MP40's on my 90 and will be adding an MP10 on the back once I start re-homing my acro's. Personally, I have seen PE retreat on acro's that were directly blasted by flow. So, I would say it is possible too have to much and not to directly blast them. That being said, unless your PE gets worse or water is splashing out onto the floor, then you should be good :thumb: