How to fix Filter Sock holder?


I have an acrylic filter sock holder that is cracked in two pieces. I was wondering how to fix it. I’ve seen YouTube videos, but it seems like options vary on how to fix acrylic.
Any one fix broken acrylic before? What’s the easiest way to fix this?69836984

This is what I used to build my overflow boxes and repair a few other broken/leaking pieces of equipment. Fast, easy, cheap. I can't believe I got by so many years without this stuff; it feels like cheating. :)
If it's just to secure it and not to hold any liquid.
Epoxy will bond to anything and almost seal leaks really.

You know that same epoxy you use to hold frags on to rocks? That same stuff will bond those to pieces. It doesn't have to be fancy just hand mix it with ur fingers and slap it on those to pieces. Not between them. But over them