Huge Week at Reefwise with Awesome Fish Promos!!

I like the "first come first serve" idea. All I see is reserve tags. Cheaters.

Btw: hey Brian, I got the divided leopard wrasse 2days ago and he's been laying on his side eversince then. I notice all of them were laying on thier side at the store. I did acclimate him about a couple hours as you told because of the low salinity. Any idea?
Eric, if the Chevron tang is larger then 1.5 inches, go ahead and let it go to someone. I need a tiny one and I don't want to hold up stock when other folks are wanting them badly. I'll be in on Saturday.
Eric, if the Chevron tang is larger then 1.5 inches, go ahead and let it go to someone. I need a tiny one and I don't want to hold up stock when other folks are wanting them badly. I'll be in on Saturday.

just came from there got two labouti wrasses . the cheverons were nice very nice tiny little fellas the all the stock was nice i had to run out of there before i bought every thing
thanks brian for the labouti's wifes gonna be happy i hope or mad cause i spent money lol u never know with women. i definitly need to get back there soon . i should of bout that butterfly next time talk me into it lol. always a pleasure to deal with u and the prices r insane id tell u how much i paid for my last labouti but i will keep that to my self lets just say u gave me a deal of a life time lol
The reserve tags are from from the first batch. We thought it was unfair that they were not pick up when there were tons of calls. That's why we changed the rules on the second batch.

It is normal for Leopard wrasses to lie on their side in the sand when they are sleeping or scared.
I am super happy that you guys are enjoying your beautiful new fish! It was very generous of our supplier to give us these promos....twice. All of us at Reefwise truly appreciate the crazy amount of business you guys give us so we couldn't resist passing on the promo prices on to you!

I haven't been able to get a hold of Brian today since I got off work but here are some pics of cool fish that were at least there when Ross ended his Reefwise shift....

China Pearl / Black-backed Wrasse

Some Labout's left for $66 Promo Price! This is less than half of our usual wholesale cost!

Mystery Wrasse (beautiful ...but non-photogenic fish)

Chevron Tangs $99 Promo Price

Radiant Wrasse

Solorensis Wrasse Pair
Ken, We can probably get you a male in on Tuesday. The supplier has 3 in stock. Not sure if it is technically a "terminal though".
just wanted to say thanks again to brian. you guys to get over there asap. all the fish he got in this week look awesome.
Could you get me a Purple Tang in on Tuesday @ the promo price? Maybe put a reserve tag with my name on it?:sarcastic:
Sorry Ken, we tried to get more purples on yesterday's order but we couldn't. Next time we get this deal on purples we will let you know.
Ken, We can probably get you a male in on Tuesday. The supplier has 3 in stock. Not sure if it is technically a "terminal though".
Keep me posted on the Red Headed wrasse and price please. There's a group of us from BNARC (Bloomington Normal Area Reef Club) coming up to hit several LFS on Saturday, December 8.