Eric, if the Chevron tang is larger then 1.5 inches, go ahead and let it go to someone. I need a tiny one and I don't want to hold up stock when other folks are wanting them badly. I'll be in on Saturday.
just came from there got two labouti wrasses . the cheverons were nice very nice tiny little fellas the all the stock was nice i had to run out of there before i bought every thing
How small were they?
2 were maybe 1 inch other 1 1/2 inch nice colors too
I'm looking for terminal male Red headed wrasse , Halechoris rubricephalus. Any help?
Keep me posted on the Red Headed wrasse and price please. There's a group of us from BNARC (Bloomington Normal Area Reef Club) coming up to hit several LFS on Saturday, December 8.Ken, We can probably get you a male in on Tuesday. The supplier has 3 in stock. Not sure if it is technically a "terminal though".