Hydra TwentySix HD LED Or EcoTech Marine Radion XR15w G4 Pro LED Light


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I do not know which one to buy the hydra has 26 led and 2 cluster and wifi integrated and you can get it around $319.00 in the other hand Radion has 21 led single cluster no wifi , cost $399.00 plus $100.00 to buy the wifi conector so rally theRadion worth that money ? Or just is vanity to buy that light , i do not care about the price just i have my doubts if someone can tell me the difference between them. Never saw that one in action just Kessil is what i have

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A lot of people are saying set it and forget it for LEDs, If you don't keep messing with your lights you will not need wireless. Don't do the wireless and just get the Radions. The only reason most people don't get the Radions is the $$$.
What size tank and what kind d of coral? A friend is looking to sell a radion ill talk to him and find out if he still has it.
20 gl nuvo fusion mixed reef , basically SPS

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Go with the radion ... the most important difference between Radions and hydras is SPREAD ..

radions provide a much nicer even spread for your tank size than a hydra 52 would .... i would never use anything other than radions as long as i use leds .. i have used kessils, max spect, hydra, chinese leds and probablly couple others too but once i started using radion g3 pro there is no going back :) i now use radion G4 Pro and i love it just as much as i loved G3 pro with wide angle lens
I honestly dont know the difference, when I was looking into buying lights the Radion and the Hydra HD were fairly close in performance. I personally run 2 Hydra 52 HDs over my Sps Dominant 65 gallon and I love them I have awesome color and spread and no shading of any kind. I would agree with others for the set it and forget it aspect Corals need to acclimate to the light spectrum and intensity if you constantly change it they will never acclimate and grow right or color up properly. My reef took about 2 months for the corals to really acclimate to the light setting before they started taking off.

In all fairness both lights will give you exactly what you need I think it is really just a preference at this point, the downside with LED is the spread as they tend to act more light a spotlight instead of a flood light. I do think Radions have a little better spread in this regard but for your size tank you probably wouldn't notice the difference between the two.

Just my .02
Thanks everybody for your advice i am gonna go for the Radion G4 X15 and for the mounting arm i will use the mountingarm from Kessil this one i have it before snd you can reach high from the waterline 12 to 14 inches and the original mounting Ecotech
Reach just 8 inches

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I have 3 hydra 26hds on my 150 shallow reef 72" longx30" wide and they do a awesome job and spread out the light !


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