OK.... So I have a new wrinkle in my new tank / upgrade plans. My wife and I have been talking about the new aquarium and its placement. She offered to move a display cabinet on one wall and then suggested, you should open a hole in the wall so you can see it too from your office..... hmmmm...
So I work 95% of my time out of my home office. ….Her thought was really a good one. It has grown on me until it is now almost an obsession. So my plans are morphing into a new SPS dominant tank that is built into a non-load bearing wall that is common to my office and the kitchen / common room. Size wise, it looks like 48” width and a 25” height is ideal. The question should I go for depth a 120 gal would be 24” and a 150 gal would be 30”. The wall itself is 6” …so the difference is 9” into each room vs. 12”. I think the bigger tank will always win out.
So the advice I am looking for…. Has anyone a) built a tank into the wall b) built one into the wall that is viewable from both front and back sides. I am looking for ideas, suggestions… pitfalls… I am seriously thinking this would be a very cool build. I would build the cabinet / stand into the wall, the tank… and the hood/canopy into the wall. By the way, I am thinking of ordering a tank from Glass Cages... Any other suggestions... for a good place to order other than a LFS.... I find they are wildly expensive.
Here are some pictures from inside the kitchen….and then from my office. I will eventually do a little photoshop when I can find time.
OK... So I am still soliciting feedback on my tank project...give me your ideas and suggetions. I am almost ready to pull the trigger.... I am hoping to make a decision this weekend...and begin construction...buidling right away!
So I have a defined space and will be limited to width of 48" long to be able to build it into a wall where it will be visible from a the kitchen / breakfast area and then from inside my office. I am looking at two options: 120 RR with a 50 breeder as a sump and all the bells and whistles including LED Lighting, controller...etc.... or a 150RR with all the same. The difference is 6" in width...which then would put the bump into each room of around 12-14" depending on how I do the cabinet.
So here is a picture of the area after spending time doing some measurements and playing with the height of the base. Right now I am planning on 36" of height for the base. Who else here has built a tank into a wall for two sided viewing..? Any other thoughts???? The rest of my day is tinkering with my idea... drinking... tweaking the idea...etc....
On a side note... Looking forward to the frag swap tomorrow! EricTheRed and I are planning to be there at the opening! Looking forward to meeting some of you all there!
Yeah...that is kind of what I am thinking... It would give me basically a 6" center that I can rockscape... and then have some nice viewable areas on either side front or back.
One other addition... I am most likely going to use Matt at ShoTank in Mundelien to build the tank... We are thinking of side overflows... one on each side. This will allow the most viewable space from both front and back of the tank... More to come on that...soon! The intent is as good a view from either the office or the kitchen area.
Thanks for the suggestion.....but I actually like the two door layout. I think I am going to stay with the 48" width. I think a 150 will fit the purpose well.
Well.... I am pretty much ready to place my order for the new tank. I am going to meet with the builder tomorrow and will be deciding 120 or 150 four foot wide tanks. Last he and I spoke he said 3-4 weeks to get the tank, base and canopy done. So...I have a little time to open up the wall and get the space ready... I guess it is only money....