I wish id done this sooner?!! Omg!

if i went bb in display my coris wrasse woundn't hide like he does, straight dive down in to the substrate.
agree controller, vortechs, and leds, wife might hate you but your electric bill won't
i currently have t5's but im thinking of switching over to LED's

ive had vho t12s switched to mh for 1 month went 2 t5 8 bulb tried hundreds of dollars of bulbs before i found ati kept those for year then went led. all the money i could of saved and the best results were from some cheap ebay led fixtures lol my electric bill went from over 120 a month to 68$ with ac on in summer different story lol
Buy the biggest tank you can afford, Save your money read and ask all the questions you can. I say save, you will buy twice so rather save and buy the right component the first time. I talk form experience. Upgrading suck. And no sand.
if i went bb in display my coris wrasse woundn't hide like he does, straight dive down in to the substrate.
agree controller, vortechs, and leds, wife might hate you but your electric bill won't

my coris just layed on the glas forever, but now i put in a container of sand for my Tile the coris has been using it. But its not for anything other than the critters health, not aesthetics, not as a magic poop eraser. purely for the critter, all sand is good for
Would have never allow blue carpet cloves

cloves are the worst. worse than aptasia imo. especially the little pink/brown ones.
big advice i would say is to never use/pay for live rock. dry rock is the best! so many benefits and options. eventually it is alive anyway and it doesnt take long to get going. even without seeding.
big advice i would say is to never use/pay for live rock. dry rock is the best! so many benefits and options. eventually it is alive anyway and it doesnt take long to get going. even without seeding.

The best advice EVER. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with all the pests other's have infected their tanks with.
wish i drilled my tank instead of getting an overflow box with overflow tube. Wish I made the front of the tank removable so I can swap out the sump. Wish I got a bigger tank.
I don't think i could NOT use sand... I like the look, and i like all the critters that live in it: nassa snails, jawfish, garden eels (i so want some of those) etc.

Also, one person's pest is another's prize...
Dry rock definitely, I bought one piece of lr, added to my dry. But caution with dry, i got puckani from BRS and it is well known to leach phosphate. Which it did, but weigh your options, live rock with aptasia, worms, crabs, or dry that leaches phosphates. Which battle do you want to endure!
Dry rock definitely, I bought one piece of lr, added to my dry. But caution with dry, i got puckani from BRS and it is well known to leach phosphate. Which it did, but weigh your options, live rock with aptasia, worms, crabs, or dry that leaches phosphates. Which battle do you want to endure!

Mine did as well, but it all leached out within a month. I was very happy when it passed.
mines all good, just saying id rather fight phosphates then crabs, nems, worms, etc! hermits and snails will bring your corralline along. I don't want pests!