Ideas on fish for a 12gal NC


New member
Hey guys,

My 12gal NC has been stable and finished it's cycle already. It's still gonna sit empty except for the one hermit that is in there as a "test" subject. haha.

Anyway, i plan on starting to stock the tank once i get home mid December. I'm stuck on what fish to put in there. My dad suggested some kind of clown since he loves them. I was thinking possibly one Grade A snowflake or piccasso clown in there, but my thoughts are that a 12gal may be too small for a clownfish, especially with the aquascape i went with, there's only maybe half the tank of swimming room.

Also taking ideas for other fish in a nano, planning on only keeping one fish to keep the bioload down. I dont plan on running a protein skimmer or any type of mechanical filtration. Just chemi pure elite once in awhile. the back chambers are filled with LR rubble already in the 2nd compartment. and compartment 1 has the heater.

you can go with some gobies if you have a lot of LR/caves

yea... thats more of what i was thinking. I would LOVE to do a ORA mandrin goby in it but scared that my pod population wouldn't be able to keep up... Though i could probably throw sponges in my 75gal and shake them off into the 12gal every few days... the pod population in my 75gal is great, crazy amounts whenever i take the filter sock off to wash
helfrichi firefish, bicolor blenny (awsome personality), clown goby, jawfish...

as for the clownfish... they really don't need a lot of swimming room.... they pretty much find something to host and won't leave that area
A pair of firefish would b kool. I had a pair of fancy clowns in my nc 12g for around 8 months. No problem. But they will outgrow the tank eventually.
helfrichi firefish, bicolor blenny (awsome personality), clown goby, jawfish...

as for the clownfish... they really don't need a lot of swimming room.... they pretty much find something to host and won't leave that area
possibly a clown goby but they are tiny... i'm thinking maybe too small in a 12gal. haha. and i don't plan on keeping any anemones or anything. i will be using the stock PC lighting. I'll have lots of pom poms tho...maybe it'll host that like my maroon in the 75.
A pair of firefish would b kool. I had a pair of fancy clowns in my nc 12g for around 8 months. No problem. But they will outgrow the tank eventually.
yea, thats what i was thinking... i didn't wanna spend 50+ on a clown and when it outgrows the tank, idk where it would go.

the more i think about it, i would love to try a mandrin goby. and then inverts like a sexy shrimp or a pom pom crab.
A mandarin will end up starving and ull need to get him out of there. If u want movement get 2 black axel chromis. I have 1 and it swims around like crazy.
A mandarin will end up starving and ull need to get him out of there. If u want movement get 2 black axel chromis. I have 1 and it swims around like crazy.

you think if i transfer pods in there every other day out of my 75gal, it would still starve? and an ORA mandrin is supposed to eat ova too right?
i had a mandarin that ate frozen brine... it takes some time but they can be trained

yea... i really would love to give this a go... i think it would be pretty cool to watch it be the only fish in the tank and hunting all the time...

plus... everyone and their momma has clownfish right? lol
Thats y u get the pair of platinum clowns from dd lol. But yea if u manage to train a mandarin let me know the trick.
Thats y u get the pair of platinum clowns from dd lol. But yea if u manage to train a mandarin let me know the trick.

haha, i'm not a fan of platinums as i think all white clowns look odd... probably snowflake or picasso. they're my favorite.

but ya, i'm gonna look into mandrins... it would be easier to spot feed too in a small tank... but i'm also liking the firefishes.
Thats y u get the pair of platinum clowns from dd lol. But yea if u manage to train a mandarin let me know the trick.

you mix a bit of frozen brine with live brine. every time you feed, you add a bit more frozen than live... it should pick at both. and over time you add more frozen and less live... eventually you'll be feeding only frozen.
haha, i'm not a fan of platinums as i think all white clowns look odd... probably snowflake or picasso. they're my favorite.

but ya, i'm gonna look into mandrins... it would be easier to spot feed too in a small tank... but i'm also liking the firefishes.

i LOVE snowflake picasso clowns!! that amazing blue shimmer!! first time a saw a pair was at old town and they wanted $500 for the pair! i almost died.. lol

good thing they are much more reasonably priced now!

how about naked clowns? those are pretty cool
agree on the platinums, they do look a bit weird!
didn't poidog sell it already?

EDIT: nvm... i don't think he did... checked his latest stock list in his thread and didn't see it... gonna PM him and see how it's going. last i read it was eating Ova