If it's not one thing, it's another.


So, while I was trying to get some pictures of my tank.. There is little while specs on the inside of my glass.

I looked at them closer and saw that they're moving. Like, chasing after each other. I was thinking they were pods, but I thought they hid in the day light?

They're VERY small.. I definitely cannot get a picture. I googled what copepods look like - and I can't even tell becasue I don't have a microscope! :(
probably just copepods.. i sometimes see the pods during the day also.. they can be out anytime in my experience
it maybe amphipods if they are a little bigger

I've never seen a copepod in real life, so I wouldn't know the difference. :\

I just went to google and searched for "copepods on glass," and I think that's what they are. Just based on what they look like on the pictures. I also looked for flatworms - and I think those are too big to be them.
it maybe both.. the amphiods starts small and u'll see them get a little bigger in time.

Alright. There are some that are INCREDIBLY small, and then some that are bigger. I just don't know how either would have gotten in my tank in that amount. I don't have any chaeto, or anything else that I would have thought brought them into my tank. There's a LOT of them.
Definitely sounds like some kinds of pods to me. I see all different sizes of pods in my tanks, both during the day and at night. And lots of pods is a good sign of your tank maturing!
Looks like you have a healthy ecosystem. This is a good thing :)

I know if it's pods it's a good thing, but because I have no idea how they would have gotten there - it's just a bit startling. Plus, I didn't see them there yesterday! (I sit on a stool in front of my tank EVERYDAY, and just stare at it)
they probably got there from live rock u got or from ur tank getting established.. u wont see them at the beginging but as ur tank gets mature you'll see more and more..
they probably got there from live rock u got or from ur tank getting established.. u wont see them at the beginging but as ur tank gets mature you'll see more and more..

Wait, wait, wait - so they're like Iso's? They can just pop up if the conditions are right? I don't know if they guy who I got my rock from had them in his tank or not. He had a FOWLR with large fish, I believe.
In a saltwater tank you will see soooo much diversity that it's unreal,so stop freaking out everytime you see something foreign.It's happened to us all.
In a saltwater tank you will see soooo much diversity that it's unreal,so stop freaking out everytime you see something foreign.It's happened to us all.

I just don't know what's good or bad.. That's why I freak out. And I like the ID help because I can't type in google all of this stuff. and don't even know where I would begin looking otherwise.
My tank is like a pod rodeo. for example In my limited experience; if they are really grouping on one frag it's probably a gonner even if it looks healthy right at first. (I'm in the school of thought that they are feeding as the thing dies, not killing the thing.)