I transferred my pair of clowns into the tank during the week and will be migrating some of the corals over. Let’s see how the tank does as it acclimates with now having the lights on.
I believe I started to get Dinos when I turned the lights on after a week or so. I started to see brown slime with little bubbles all over. I think it was my mistake for turning the light and leaving it at 40% which might of been WAY too much light for this tank. Over the weekend turned off the lights and left them off to get rid some of these uglies. I plan on leaving them off week while I run a 9w IM UV Sterilizer.
Also decided to redo the rock structure on the right side since I wasn't happy with how the previous looked. I felt like it was just a big rock boulder. I'm trying to not to go crazy with how the rocks looks since most time you'll never see them after coral grow out.
I've now added a cleanup crew and will turn the lights on later this week. Most of the slime and algae I previously saw is no longer there. I'm hoping the CUC finishes and keeps things at bay once the lights turn on.