increase sump size DIY


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Hello everyone! It's Steve from Rotter Tube Reef on Youtube, Chicago! I have a 125 gallon reef aquarium and I need a larger sump. I currently have an eshopps R100. I can't fit a different sump under the tank without draining, lifting, etc. So, I decided to add a 20 gallon to this tank. I have done a lot of research. some people drill into the two and join with bulk heads. I dread cracking the glass. others have used the water bridge method. I am using a crazy method that few would be willing to try but I have balanced the flow perfectly. yes I know it's crazy. here are the results of my test. it's interesting. I think I will be having each return go to each sump. I will also have a return pump in each. I will tune the flow with the ball valves above. Currently I am connecting both sumps with a power head. IT WORKS! What would you do and what have you done?
Drilling glass isn’t something to be feared. You just need to pay attention to what you’re doing, take your time, don’t press and keep the bit wet. Plenty of videos to walk you through it until you get your confidence up.
If you crack the glass it’s because you did something you shouldn’t have (step one: pay attention) or you already had a flaw in the glass that had weakened it. IMO, if your glass already has a flaw, best to find out with an empty tank.
thank you so much! I will be drilling but have currently split the sumps. One return and one return pump for each. I have adjusted for flow with the ball valves coming off each overflow. thanks again!