Is this Ich?


Got home today and one of the fish was wrapped around my mp10...alive, but not moving. I put it into the hospital tank and she is just laying there breathing heavy...what should I do? I feel like she is suffering.

Also can Ich cause death that quickly? Last night at 11PM she was swimming and eating just fine.

You don't need an MP10 in the QT tanks. Flow is important for coral, not the fish.
mp10 was in my DT. I was planning on moving all the fish over to the QT today. My QT does not have an mp10. After I got her off the MP10, I moved her to the QT tank.
ok so everything is moved into the QT tank. How quickly after the fish are moved should I put in the cupermine? I am afraid to put it in right away since the move probably stressed the fish a lot. (I know it stressed me.)
I'd add it right away. The stress of the move might weaken the immune system even more and allow the ich do more damage. With ich, it is important to treat it early. Since the fish could have weakened immune systems due to the stress of the move, you'd better start killing the ich right away with the copper.
I'd add it right away. The stress of the move might weaken the immune system even more and allow the ich do more damage. With ich, it is important to treat it early. Since the fish could have weakened immune systems due to the stress of the move, you'd better start killing the ich right away with the copper.

Thank you
Yury, yes ich can be transmitted during its tomont stage via rock, sand, inverts, coral, ect. This stage of the ich lifecycle can last up to 28 days and is unseen to the eye!

A lot of people forget this and don't realize there is a risk of transmitting ich when trading or purchasing a coral out of a system with fish.

Since the tomont stage lasts up to 28 days, the qt process and ich treatments (hypo / copper) should last a minimum of 4 weeks after the last spot is seen.

For comparison, the trophont stage (white spots on fish) only lasts 3-7 days.

Yury, yes ich can be transmitted during its tomont stage via rock, sand, inverts, coral, ect. This stage of the ich lifecycle can last up to 28 days and is unseen to the eye!

A lot of people forget this and don't realize there is a risk of transmitting ich when trading or purchasing a coral out of a system with fish.

Since the tomont stage lasts up to 28 days, the qt process and ich treatments (hypo / copper) should last a minimum of 4 weeks after the last spot is seen.

For comparison, the trophont stage (white spots on fish) only lasts 3-7 days.


Thank you very much! I have learned my lesson and will now be QTing everything before it goes in my main tank. Sadly I lost the Hawaiian Flame Angel I got from you guys, but the Orange Stripped Tang is still ok and in Copper treatment.

Again, Thank you for the information.
sorry to breakup the discussion there, but I had a quick question about this. So all my fish are in QT and my two clowns seem to be doing worse. One of them now looks like this and has some kind of strings coming off of its fins and body. Below are two pictures. Any idea what that may be?

You can see the strings coming from the back fin and by the eye.



Again, thank you for all the help.
sorry to breakup the discussion there, but I had a quick question about this. So all my fish are in QT and my two clowns seem to be doing worse. One of them now looks like this and has some kind of strings coming off of its fins and body. Below are two pictures. Any idea what that may be?

You can see the strings coming from the back fin and by the eye.



Again, thank you for all the help.

Well it does look like brooks but it might not be. Clowns like angels dont do well in copper only copper i had luck with is copper power safer for fish then refular copper ive even had puffers and eels in the copper power no issues. What could be happening is the copper levels r high which irritates and burns the clowns skin causeing them to produce heavy slime coats which basically what happens with brooks to so they look the same but arent . Good luck hope they make it
I am now wondering if it is a reaction to copper. The Angel that died did not look like this. It looked a lot like ich.
Yury, the copper most likely killed the flame. It did not look like it had enough ich to kill it. Copper will kill a huge percentage of even healthy flames.

It's hard to tell what the clowns have. Most likely brooklynella would have killed them before now.

Copper is an added stress on fish and does weaken immune systems further allowing for other infections.

I use hypo. However, just a disclaimer that hypo does not treat brooklynella.

Here is what I do for ich and qt...
The flames demise started in my main tank that has no copper in it. I moved it into the QT tank which, at the time, also did not have any copper in it. This is so frustrating not knowing what is going on.