Well if you are just topping off with water straight from your ro unit like I do then this should work
for you as its what I have been using for 3 years now with no problems.
I got this one a while back and I am extremely happy with it. I really don't like the idea of electronic switches around SW (too many home sump issues) and I am impressed with how simple/reliable the mechanical float is. In my case the RO/DI water container sits well above the sump, so there is no issue with siphon, but this: http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/inline-check-valve-1-4-x-1-4-push-connect-murlok.html would solve that. Don't forget to order one of these:http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/ball-valve-1-4-x-1-4-push-connect-murlok.html if you go that way. You want to be able to shut off the flow for cleaning and stuff. I forgot to get one and NO local places carry them (c'mon BRS group buy!)
The issue of creating a siphon only happens when the water container is higher than the sump, otherwise there wouldn't be a drip or gravity feed in the first place, which would cause the siphon if the water sources were connected. The murlock wouldn't stop that either.
And besides, creating electrical fire danger hazards is what this hobby is all about!
I've heard of the float switch leaking for lack of a better word when water raises past the float switch, which would cause your reservoir to siphon into the sump. I've seen it happen multiple times.
Well if you are just topping off with water straight from your ro unit like I do then this should work
for you as its what I have been using for 3 years now with no problems.
Are you planning on getting a controller anytime? If not, then get at JBJ auto top off, that's the easiest, simplest way. And not much more than DIY version. You gotta remember when you have salinity swings from water loss like that it causes chemical shifts inside the tank, and adding that much RO water at once is a shock to the system. ATO is definitely the way to go. If you cover the cost of me getting the float valves for my controller you can have my jbj, lol.
I think you'll find (at least I did) that when you start topping off the amount of water loss per day actually decreases because there's less water movement.
If your RO unit isn't directly attached, I wouldn't use the model skunker recommended for a drip solution either, because if the sump ever over flows higher than that unit, there's a chance the water would create a siphon.
I find with all the cooling fans I have over my 50 & 90g tanks, I'm evaporating about 5g/day.