jcarlilesiu & scarlett778 150 Gallon Cube

looks great first time seeing your cat on the tank ill have to post a video of the fish teasing my dog lol great progress shots as well
Nice tank! I really like the aquascaping. It's so simple, but very nice looking.

Glad to see the anemone is doing well too. :)
Tanks! :smile (2): We wanted maximum swimming within our tank for the fishes. Only issue we have with the Horseshoe look is that it's hard to clean the glass on the sides of the tank!:banghead:
Great work team Carlile. Your setup has come long way in only a years time. Your Naso Tang is beautiful. Please keep posting pics of your progress and additions.
Cleaned up the tank and did some maintenance and a water change and thought I would post a photo.


And here is a picture for fastRC of the frag he sold me at the swap.


Quite a bit bigger

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Taken tonight after doing a little work.

Ignore the plastic cup, our sailfin tang has recently decided that our brain coral looks like a good buffet. The brain may be going soon.

We have a sony DSLR digital camera.

Its all in the White Balance. None of the preset "Incandescent", "Sunny", "Cloudy", "Fluorescent" type of settings work in the tank.

What we do is set the white balance in the custom WB menu. You basically take a picture of something white in the tank so the camera knows what is white. It even tells you the Kelvin temperature of "white". In our case it was 9900K.

After you do that, the camera knows what is white in with the bright light and everything else looks accurate.
Thanks! Time to pull out the owner's manual and see if mine can do that. I assume you took a pic of your sandbed to set the white balance?