Jep’s Red Sea Reefer 170


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

Im currently setting up a new reef tank. I was getting a little bit tired of the AIO tanks and wanted to try my luck on a complete set up :) Just wanna give a shoutout to shotankaquariums for hooking it up :)

Decided to go with a Red Sea Reefer 170 which is my dream tank. Love the Red Sea tanks and I’m super excited to finally get to set up one :)

So far what I have is the tank with sump and top off which is the basic kit.


Here is how the sump looks like


So far for equipment I have is a siccus syncra 2

Still working out lighting and protein skimmer options.

For lighting I’m considering a AI Hydra 32 HD

More updates to come

Aka Jepthenanotankguy on IG

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What corals are you planning on for this tank? I always love your builds; you keep everything so clean and organized.
What corals are you planning on for this tank? I always love your builds; you keep everything so clean and organized.

Thanks bro :) I try to keep everything very nice and neat and organized. This build will deff be a challenge since I want the sump are to look super nice. I may have to find a way to place all my wires out side the tank or find like a built it that I can attach to the tank.

For corals, I actually will be moving all my high end mushrooms. I’ve actually collected quite a few but will only be adding one sps which is my fave ora red planet

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Got done making the Red Sea Reef Saver screen. Deff was a challenge making if your not that great at diy but doable. You just need to get some material at your local home depot.


Also got my protein skimmer on to get it get the breakin period out of the way :) Protein Skimmer I went with is a Bubble Magus Curve 5


Still got a little bit to go in terms of equipment and cycling but I did jump start it with some DR Tims But I’m gonna get the tank a lot of time and will probably put fish not until next month or midway through next month..

More to come :)

Thanks for following along

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