My new skimmer came in for black Friday! Now I'm really over skimming haha. I'm in love with the sn143. It's skimming like a champ and it's not even broken in yet.
Im going to be removing the gyre and replacing it with 2 Jebao rw4. The gyre is just to wide of a pattern and no matter where I place it it'll kick sand up.
I'm also going to be replacing the sicce 3.5 for a Jebao dc6000 return pump. I'm not getting enough flow to power three reactors and the tank.
I'm battling dinos right now thanks to my lfs. So I'll be going through a black out period for the next few days.
My blue maxima seems to have pinched mantle so I'm tying to figure out how to make it happy again so it'll recover.
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