Joevember's 65g reef

So I'm about 3 weeks into carbon dosing (using no3po4x for the past week) and I saw little change on my test kit. The kit said my nitrates were in the 40+ range, which I didn't believe at all after dosing all the carbon. I went out and bought a new nitrate test to replace the API kit, and sure enough my nitrates were at 0. I'm just glad to see that my efforts finally paid off so I could stop worrying.
Went to Tank It Easy and picked up a green purple tipped elegance coral, 2 trochus snails, and 2 zebra hermits for a patch of cyano I found. I'll post a picture of the elegance later if it decides to open up.
I also have a question for everyone: what order should I acclimate and dip my new corals? I know how to dip them, but I'm not sure of the right steps from temp acclimating, water acclimating, dipping and putting it in the tank. Let me know how you guys do this. Thanks.
Decided to put my big hermit in the fuge for a while after he knocked down another frag. I cannot remember how many times I'll check on the tank to find something big moved or on the sandbed because of this guy.
I have a question for you guys abouy my leptoseris. I put it up on a couple ID forums on other sites and people have said that it is a 24K lepto. I already fragged a piece that was just hanging off and I don't know how much they are worth. Lmk what you think it's worth bc I've seen it for 40-80 on different sites.
Another update for the weekend. My RFA has been moving 2 inches every day from one end of his rock to the other, but I really want him to just get off of the rock because it is the ugliest rock I have in my tank atm.
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My indo elegance has been closed up for the past 5 days, hoping it's temporary because it's definitely one of my favorite corals in my tank. I've been feeding it more mysis since then and it opened up a little more than it has been.
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I also got my first acan. It's red, green, and teal with only 2 heads. I really want to get a whole lot of them and have them grow into a colony on my rock in the front.
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To top it off I saw some carpet halimeda growing on a rock in the DT, and when it grows in more I'll chuck it in the fuge with the grape calurpa. (This macro is much prettier than the calurpa)View attachment 24872
It's been a while so I'll catch you up on what's been going on, and it's going to be a big one.

New additions:

Neon green trumpet
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Green birdnest (verry small)
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Brown birdnest (like a giant to the green)
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Short tentacle gold torch (never seen this before it's from the Tonga)
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I have most of the newbies in temporary places.

Okay, now some other updates:

The duncan i had in the middle was swapped with the finger leather because the clowns never let it open up.

The elegance coral was moved up to the top, and before you call me stupid, because a LFS employee told me to put it up there. He had the best luck with them at the top of his tanks. It has developed some brown spots on it and it is probably going to die regardless of where I place it. It is the Indo variety if you wanted to know.

The RFA is now about 3" in diameter l from when I got the tank when it was half that. I feed mysis 4 times a week.

I fragged the 24K lepto and it doubled in size. Lmk how much they are worth, I've heard 40-60.
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The derasa looks like it grew an inch, it is 6" now. It was 5" when I got it, and I never got around to changing it in my original post.

Last thing is about my bacteria bloom. Recently I have had a stringy white bacterial bloom in my tank that happened when I was away for 5 days. The person I had take care of the tank must not have known how to read because they dosed 20ml of NOPOX instead of 10. I expected it to go away, but I had to decrease the NOPOX to only 4ml a day now.

That's all, please comment amd let me know your thoughts/experience.
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I went to the first day of aquashella, and found some good lookin corals. I will post pics after I finish day 2!
In the mean time here is my clown getting intimate with my duncan.
Aquashella was a fun time for me. I ended up only going on saturday, mostly because I blasted through my money I had but also the fact that I would have to bike an hour to get there. I met a lot of vendors, said hello to Than from Tidal Gardens and Coralfish12g, and picked up a few corals. The event was fun, but it was mostly aimed at parents and their kids (I can't blame them though because they are the ones spending the most there). For my first frag swap, I did enjoy it.

I picked up 3 corals during the event.

First was a purple torch. I am working on expanding my torch island atm and a purple spices it up. I only saw one vendor selling purple torches, probably from the import ban. The most expensive torch was a $450 black yellow tipped torch that looked amazing.
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Second was just a standard green tipped hammer. Trying to complete the holy euphyllia trinity.
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Third is an anthelia that I was told was a red sea pulsing xenia. I'm not that mad about it though, it was a $10 frag and it sways around.
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Other than that I moved 3 corals off their bases and glued them down. Also bubble algae has been introduced into my tank somehow. Not worried about it.
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