just joined


New member
Hi, I've been reading the forum since the holidays when I decided that I need to graduate to a saltwater tank. I've been keeping live planted freshwater for approx. 30yrs. I'm still in the learning and planning phase, still trying to determine all of the equipment necessary for a 40gal breeder reef/fish setup. I have been reading multiple forums and learning everyday. Happy to be part of the CR group. Jim
Welcome Jim. Glad to have you.
Skimmer, lighting (led,metal halide or T5) , hydrometer, powerheads ,

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Hi, I've been reading the forum since the holidays when I decided that I need to graduate to a saltwater tank. I've been keeping live planted freshwater for approx. 30yrs. I'm still in the learning and planning phase, still trying to determine all of the equipment necessary for a 40gal breeder reef/fish setup. I have been reading multiple forums and learning everyday. Happy to be part of the CR group. Jim

Hey Jake,

Welcome to CR. Definitely start a build thread when you are ready and if you need it, the community can definitely help guide you through the build process!

Welcome to Chicago Reefs!!! Feel free to ask questions, as there is a lot of knowledge here and we are always willing to help.