just started reef hobby, only 15

I started mine at age 15 also. Best thing to say is her a ro/di unit before anything else. It will save u nitrate problems down the way. Also take it slow and easy. If you rush anything then it will turn out crappy
Not good if u just started and ran out of money. Definitly not a cheap hobby . Start mowing some lawns and saving
i just started my tank and ran out of money, it is a 30 gallon. any tips or advice?

I'm not saying this to be an as§hole i'm just trying to help u and ur tank out. If u just started a tank and ur out of money, take the tank down.

Save up a little to get the proper things to prevent u from crashing ur tank and loosing all the money u put into it.
I'm not saying this to be an as§hole i'm just trying to help u and ur tank out. If u just started a tank and ur out of money, take the tank down.

Save up a little to get the proper things to prevent u from crashing ur tank and loosing all the money u put into it.

Agree 100%

I got my first tank when I was 14, and found out very quickly its not for the poor. This is no offense at all, but if you are already out of cash, then its not the hobby for you. This is an expensive hobby at every level of participation.
If it's already running, keep the stocking minimal. WCs will slowly steal away any funding you can get with the cost of water and salt. If you can invest in one piece of equipment, I'd get a skimmer rated for at least twice of your tank's size; it'll keep everything clean, minimize WCs, and you'll be able to use it in the future when (not if) you upgrade.

I've been doing this since I was 14, and here I am 2.5 years later with a 90G. Babysit, mow lawns, sell candy and soda at school, and never pass up a chance to make a bit of green. It's doable, Zack. :D
Maybe tell us what you already have? We're assuming you already filled your tank, but let us know what you already own in equipment, etc. If you're able, definitely get a part-time job because there's nothing cheap about the hobby. Welcome to CR :)
What do you have in the tank so far? My advice is creep on Craigslist and forums everyday, you can always find deals or even free things people let go or just want to get rid of. Find someone that'll get you r/o for free and close by. Or try to sell the idea or the r/o di unit to your parents, cleaner drinking water for them and supply for you. Also read up on everything first, read twice or even three times, if you have money you can get away with not reading up since you can learn from your mistakes, but in your case knowledge will be your most abundant source for saving you money
Welcome. Go slow, even if that means waiting awhile before you start buying coral until you have the needed equipment. This hobby is expensive and can be a burden if you don't have the financial means. GL.
Welcome and these are all great advise.
Also do research and more research and when you think you know the basic then do some more research. Ask questions and plan.
I will tell you it is tough. I am newer to the saltwater hobby-did fresh water forever. It is expensive-but thru some ingenuity I bet you can get a fish only tank going on the cheap. I bet you can easily get live sand and a couple rocks for free----might not be the best. Start with easy fish like damsels (which I will be donating 3 in a week or two) and some beginner corals. Maybe someone here can tell you where in your area RO water is cheap----I heard Walmart RO water tested out good at $1.75 for 5 gallons....research !
personally i think you should be outside being a bad kid. this hobby is for older people before they have kids and money to burn, come back when your 26 and tired of parting out.
Keep the tank and all what you have in it. Enjoy what you have, close your eyes when you see something nice for sale, save money and be patient. The importance thing is finish school. My 2 cents.
Maybe tell us what you already have? We're assuming you already filled your tank, but let us know what you already own in equipment, etc. If you're able, definitely get a part-time job because there's nothing cheap about the hobby. Welcome to CR :)

+1 We would probably be able to help you out more if we knew what you already have.
+1 We would probably be able to help you out more if we knew what you already have.

Let us know more details. I'm sure we can help if your really interested. I am at reef city aquatics a lot,it's near you. I can try to help with stuff I have laying around if we know what you already have