Kerber13's 120 gal upgrade

They just need very stable water parameters, good hiding spots (all of the Centropyge angels that I found stayed hidden beneath or inside of the branches of acropora colonies), and algae in their diet. If you have all of these, they're easy. :)

Well i think i got all of that so should be no problem
Today has been a pretty hectic day. Ok i closed the deal on an MP-40; $200 :D Heres a pic:

Cleaned the wetside in 1 part vinegar 3 parts water

And (drum roll please!!!!!!!!)



And my only concern...however, when he filled it up it didn't leak so ill just put some silicone on it:

And the stand...i actually like this has grown on me:



And some1 mis-measured so only the tank fit in the car and you may have guessed it the stand was put on the roof of the car. Lemme tell yea driving on the highway with a huge stand on your roof is very stressful LOL everything made it ok though...thanks for lookin
That's all for now folks!
That stand looks great, but the design will be a headache. getting a 55 gallon in there will be hell, we might have to put the stand on top of it and then the tank on top of that! We'll figure it out though. I'm not speaking to you for the next nine hours out of jealousy over the $200 MP40. Come on!
That stand looks great, but the design will be a headache. getting a 55 gallon in there will be hell, we might have to put the stand on top of it and then the tank on top of that! We'll figure it out though. I'm not speaking to you for the next nine hours out of jealousy over the $200 MP40. Come on!

WOW!!! That was a steal for sure on the MP..
That stand looks great, but the design will be a headache. getting a 55 gallon in there will be hell, we might have to put the stand on top of it and then the tank on top of that! We'll figure it out though. I'm not speaking to you for the next nine hours out of jealousy over the $200 MP40. Come on!

Yes I got a bit of a deal on the MP and the stand will be a headache but it's nice looke aesthetically. So if my mom likes it I like it :P.

@smitty: I was waiting for the "this thread is useless w/o pics smiley" but in my defense there wasn't much of anything to take pics of :P
Lol...just messing with you. I'm glad you finally got it. I can just imagine how excited you are right now...I'm excited for you. :)
Well i got the baby wet tonite and decided to add some fish to it...snapped some pics...take a look:

HAHA how many of you did i fool? be honest? anyway i did a little cleaning of it and got most of the gravel out but i feel ill have to do the inevitable and take it outside to clean it...that means im gonna enlist your help with that funlad :)
Is that tank normal dimensions?. Looks very deep (I like)

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Yes it seems very deep. I'll take the exact dimensions and edit this post. It'll be about 30 min. Its a 48x24x24 and upon further inspection I found a little gold logo that says oceanic :). And what do u mean shopvac?
Yeah, we have to find a day this weekend. All I know is that Sunday won't work; father's day. :)

The weekend after this upcoming one would be good so i can talk to my uncle about drilling the tank...then we could get some plumbing worked out and i might have some more equipment we could clean...just spit balling since im doin a big job wednesday and this weekend..but we'll have to figure out when i can pick up those lights

Friday and early Saturday would work for me
Friday (10 AM to Noon or 2 PM to 5 PM) works perfectly for me! Really, any weekday after 11:00 is grand. :)