Killer Shrimp 8pm NatGeo channel

Pretty cool and intersting stuff! I glad you caught it! Maybe some day when we have more room I'll keep one. They look like a rewarding species to keep!
You've got to love these shows in HD. Have you ever seen Planet Earth? Incredible!

Planet earth is the only reason I still have an HD-DVD player for my xbox. Bought the drive, got the series free along with a bunch of other stuff I don't watch anymore.
I could listen to David Attenborough all day long! I grew up on his documentaries since my father was a biology teacher. I was really excited for the Life Series but Oprah totally ruined that for me. I just couldn't get past her narration. Maybe I should turn off the sounds and try to link it up with the Dark Side of the Moon. Haha.:music:

Planet earth is the only reason I still have an HD-DVD player for my xbox. Bought the drive, got the series free along with a bunch of other stuff I don't watch anymore.
all the stores had the BBC version, you could only get the US version from store.

Cool, I'll have to go look again, would be nice to retire that old player for good. Coulda sworn when I saw them at target it said narrated by sigourney weaver last time I checked... Find out soon enough!