Killer Snail?


New member
Hey all,

Any ideas on what kind of snail this is? We inherited it from someone else's tank. He was getting rid of the whole tank and we took a few things. We thought it was a nasarius of sorts and just want to make sure. Recently, our third firefish has gone missing and we can't figure out why. The first two disappeared and we found a eunicid worm that we got rid of. We have no other predators that we're aware of in the tank and can't figure out the cause of this third missing firefish. this guy doesn't ever seem to burrow in the sand. He just hides himself in the rocks and sticks to the glass. Any thoughts?


stock list:
2 young percula clowns
1 tailspot blenny
1 pearly jawfish
1 coral beauty angel
2 peppermints
1 skunk cleaner
various nasarius, red legged hermits, cerith snail
candy canes, frogspawn, toad stool leather, kenya leathers, birdsnest
both my firefish committed fishiside found one on the floor a few days after it went missing and the other one was trying to get a tan on the glass cover I used to have needless to say it got a little dried out from the halides so maybe look around on the floor around the tank for those little guys
already checked. nothing. :/ it's a covered tank, anyway.
we even looked in his hiding cave. nothing there either.
could another fish have pestered him to death?
the clowns don't bother anyone. in fact, they often share their space with the tailspot blenny. the clowns are still very young and are complete non-aggressive still. i've seen the cave where firefish hid but he came out for food whenever we fed them. i don't know. :( i looked up whelks. possibly?