Lawnmower Blenny Article in Reef Hobbyist


I have one and I found this interesting.

They really are an awesome fish. I wish I had read this before getting one, but I think I actually got lucky with mine. I can definitely confirm the 2000 kiss marks.
Pretty cool. Definitely not called lawnmower for eating hair algae...

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Another preconception bites the dust!!! This article will help change the way people care for their little wet friends. If you have an algae problem it is probably your water or a maintence issue. Most people think that you can just buy a fish and solve the problem.

Thanks Herbieace! Learned something new today!
Another preconception bites the dust!!! This article will help change the way people care for their little wet friends. If you have an algae problem it is probably your water or a maintence issue. Most people think that you can just buy a fish and solve the problem.

+1 especially when an LFS give the recommendation. That's why I posted it. The Blenny I got really did help my algae problem, but I just got lucky that he was a later addition and I have plenty of this EAM stuff. I will definitely be watching him for signs of hunger, but for now he is fat and happy and my HA has been gone for a couple weeks.
i bought my lawnmower blenny for the way it acts and cleans the rocks. I find it hilarious! I'm lucky mine eats prepared foods now that i don't have much HA for it to eat or much of anything on the rocks
What prepared food is yours eating? Mine is still really fat, but I really want to have something ready if he starts to thin. I absolutely love mine too. I thought he was a utility choice at first, but he turns out to be hilarious and the only fish I have that actually recognizes my presence. Does yours do the little nodding and sand pounding routine?
What prepared food is yours eating? Mine is still really fat, but I really want to have something ready if he starts to thin. I absolutely love mine too. I thought he was a utility choice at first, but he turns out to be hilarious and the only fish I have that actually recognizes my presence. Does yours do the little nodding and sand pounding routine?

My old one ate everything from mysis to flakes to spectrum pellets. But it went MIA in my tank... I think my carpet ate it...

Anyway, my new one is larger and doesn't take as much variety of foods. When i feed mysis, my lawnmower will eat the mysis happily. (mysis is really the best universal food! everything in my tank eats it)

And yes, my blenny is like a little puppy! Everytime you go up to the tank, it'll come front and center and start swimming at the glass like it's wagging it's tail. haha. Kinda makes me mad i have to go in and get the sand back flat but whatever. haha