Learning how to take pics

I had consistent results when using live view on the camera. Try turning it on and zooming all the way in using the magnification tools to assist with manually focusing your lens. This will give you a real time focus preview (at the pixel level) and help ensure you the most interesting detail of your subject is sharp as possible.
+1 for live view. Its easier to take good pics when you can see what you're doing.
If you have not purchased a photo tube yet look into it. It'll be a whole lot easier!
Here are my tips.

Turn off all the pumps in the tank.
Use a tripod.
If shooting fish use a telephoto lens and sit back away from the tank and shoot. The fish act much more natural. Most fish have a pattern they like to swim watch them and see if you can find the places they like to stop.
I always shoot in Raw
I use extension tubes for macros

I edit in photoshop or lightroom depending what I feel like on a given day.
I adjust white balance first manually and exposure.
I then adjust the levels.
I then adjust shadows and highlights
I then adjust brightness or contrast if needed at this point.
I add a little color saturation
I adjust sharpness.
I fixed any blemishes with a healing tool.

Thats my general process I use and I get pretty good results without spending a ton of time on images.
Here's some of mine.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Haven't posted in here in awhile here are some pics. Having fun with the camera

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Didn't see this information in this thread but what model canon are you using? Can you tell me your current setup, nice photos btw!