LED Group buy.

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Hi,Gus ,do we have choice picking 14K or 20K unit? Also did you research what kind of warranty comes with it?
10K,14K or 20K.Either 12 or 24month warranty.let me ask.I have7 guys willing to pay by friday here and on RC,3more and we get the discount.
Ok,here's an update:
Warranty is 12months.

I have 6units paid in full,we need just 4more units to get this great discount.

Here's the list of paid in full:
Order has been placed,thanks for those who paypaled me and made this group buy a success,we ordered 11units total.E.T.A is 3weeks.

This thread may be closed if a mod sees this.Thanks.
has anyone seen/ tried/ tested them before ?
From what i could see and find online it just seems like a very cheaply made product.-- i could be wrong as i never handled or used one.
Any comparison to Ecoray 60d those can be purchased for the same price but seem like a more hard core quality product ?
Any comparison to any higher end players like AI Sol - Aqua Illumination ?
Also they just introduced the "V2 ML WITH MOONLIGHTS! - TAKING ORDERS NOW!" so this one will most likely be discontinued pretty soon, not to mention version 1 is usually just a test model.

Hope it works out for everyone who decided to purchase
Please post any information and feedback once running.
Anyone get these in yet and have any pics. How do ya like em. Want to get one to start. Between these and ai led
Seems like there is still alot of interest in these lights. Badgus, you might want to do a brief review in the review forum so other members can see how well you like them. As previously requested, I am going to lock this thread as anything beyond this discussion is going to be off topic per the title.
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