Letting corals grow on the back panel


New member
I have Plating Montipora and Meteor Shower Cyphastrea growing on the back panel(plastic).

If I break down the tank, will this come off in large pieces? Pls. Advise.
It does chips of in chuncks mine was u shaped lol but also i found it to be bad idea it got to the point that my tank almost over flowed as it grew so big i had to keep clearing the slots
Depends on how it grows. A long time ago I had plates grow on my back glass and parts would come off in chunks but most shattered into little pieces. It was nice to look at but i'll never let that happen again.
You'll most likely have to the tank on its back and soak it in vinegar to get them off when you break the tank down. The vinegar is acidic and it will reverse the calcification; it's the same concept as a calcium reactor.
Only thing I got going on the back of my tank is a frag plug with some dunkin's on it other then that I would not let any thing grow on the back glass or acylic seeing I would not be easy to fave the corals...
Argh! I was hoping they would not fragment.

That is a nice picture on the left, ultimatemj.

Thank you, all.