how about be courteous to ppl .. such as when you offer some free frags and a person clears their schedule and they call to get the address right after you make plans to meet that day and when they call you say "I changed my mind I don't wanna frag anything ...instead of telling them in the first place before they cancled their plans.. so don't cast that stone yet... im not picking fights im just telling it how it is.. my point is we all piss ppl off unintentionally ... we are human mabe a person can pm the person and ask them in a nice way to stop doing something so nate does not have to hunt down offences. ...there is a possibility that person didn't notice the rule in the first place...or forgot..instead of putting them on blast in front of the whole forum ... like as if they are trying to earn a bozo button .. for calling ppl out .. after all we are adults... right?
and that's what really grinds my gears ..... PETER GRIFFIN!
Dave, this thread is about bumping a thread more than once per day, by the seller. What you're going on about should be placed in a feedback section if anything.
How about, if the FS thread is being bumped by other reefers? What happens, if I put something for sale and BigBarnicles, Frosty, Fasttrack, or any one else bumps my FS thread??? Maybe, they are trying to help out?
Does that grind your gears? Is that against the rules?
People are going to people and you can't force them to change. Unless you have a gun pointed at their head, then you can make them dance for their life. As long as their lives are not threaten they can give a F$%K less about rules.
Bumps by other reefers is fine according to the sticky. So if you're selling something and I go on and say, wow, awesome item Juan, gls, then that's fine.
The whole point of this thread is that people tend to bump their own FS items, 2, 3, 9 times a day.