No, I'm not a communist..
Why? Just a bit of a challenge. Why is one slang "cool" and another is not. This is not just directed at you Hectic. I see it all the time (especially on RC). "Real SW people" are people ok with calling anemones "nems" or "BTAs". Frags, sticks, rics, dino, cyano; these are all vernacular slang and that is ok because it is "in". Why not require it to be called an Amphiprion ocellaris if you want to get specific. I think Nemo and Dori are pretty clear indicators of what people are talking about and "Finding Nemo" probably did more to mainstream this hobby than anything every has or will (good bad or indifferent). Again, much respect to all, but I think we should try to foster and inform instead of embarrass and belittle. We see terrible grammar and spelling constantly without any reaction, but throw out a Nemo and everyone starts ticking their tongues like a scolding mother. It's really just funny and, of course, somewhat ignorance enabling for me to defend the use, but I just think it's a little much. MHO and end of my rant.
edit: The tang in the little tank is not covered in this rant. That person is making a detrimental mistake.
Haha...Good point