Live Rock with Red Algae and Aptasia


New member
I recently made a purchase for some live rock that has some red algea and aptasia on some off the rocks. This rock also has a fair amount of coraline on it as well. I wanted to get some of your opinons on how I should treat this rock before putting it into my reef tank.

Attached is my 46 bowfront. Thanks in advance.
Hello neighbor :D

Since you dont have much corals yet.. Take out the rock and use bone cutters to get rid of Aptasia..

I have bone cutters if you need to use them
If u don't have aiptasia in your tank, don't introduce any. Cook that rock first. Let it soak in unsalted water for a few days to kill any pest
I've soaked coraline covered rocks in freshwater before, just long enough to kill pests and the coraline was fine. If you have Aiptasia X, you can always just put the rock in separate bucket of saltwater and manually kill off the aiptasias. I've also injected them with vinegar, which worked. You just have to give it a few days to make sure you kill off all the aiptasia and nothing grows back or they will spread to other rocks. Those darn things tend to regenarate, so if you think you killed them, watch them, coz they tend to grow back. You can always scrape off the coraline into your tank and that causes it to spread to the other rocks, if that's what you need the rock for.
Nice, I will go that route. I have them in a 20 gallon in my garage no heater. They are easy to snag off the rocks. I'll snag and grab and use a vinegar shot to kill and destroy.

Here is what my tank looks like now.View attachment 3706
Lol! Naw, considering you live right across the court. What time is good? PM me your phone number so I can call/text you first.
i have jsut one rock a small one with that red algae

should i take it off ??

taking off that rock would change my scape a lot though :(
Red slime blows right off if its red coraline i like it and eventually the purple takes over it any way. For the aptasia i just mix a batch of kalk to a paste and use a syringe with all pumps off on tank inject wait ten minutes then turn pumps on. Or get few peppermint shrimps they eat em