lost nem

I stuck an air line below it instead of a ph. hopfuly the bubbles will get it to move

that's a good idea! Definitely get back to us on how he nems with that. (I'm just going to go ahead and start using that as a verb, I'll let Merriam know later)
Definitely check your overflows and sump if he went ninja. They can go from a full balloon that floats anywhere to a part of the water flow so they can go anywhere wet in your system. I always put my mp sponges on when they look even somewhat inclined to nem. And I've "rediscovered" missing nems in my chaeto twice. Ain't it fun? :whoo:

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I have a dozen nems or more and they are easy to manipulate .First they are easier to remove when on the move cause the foot isn't attached like lock tight . Second they like to feel safe so putting them in the open right away where you can see them doesn't always work that well. Find a rock with a deep crack or hole and place next to or right on top of the nem . Your trying to get the nem to root his foot in the hole or big crack where it can hide its whole body. Once the nem makes the rock it's home you let it be for a while then move it to where you want . Most of the time it will stay rooted in that rock if not repeat .I control all my RBTAs this way but the green ones are nuts and just do everything they can to be a pain.