LPS and Zoa polyp problems

You mean lights stay on for 15 hrs ??

thats too long as far as i know ..

I chose 15 hours because you said:

Yup dim your lights and increase your light cycle and it may solve the problem .. but wait till someone more knowledgeable chimes in, with my lighting issues im having may be im not good enough to advise :(

I can shorten it back to 12 hours if need be. For what its worth I am using the Radion's Radiant Color template which has a longer ramp up, and down, time. The main photoperiod is 9 hours.

Radiant Color
Designed to display your coral, fish and invertebrates most vibrant colors, this schedule emphasizes fluorescence in your aquarium. It begins with deep blue before gradually increasing to a special blend that utilizes the full color spectrum. During the evening, this schedule will gradually ramp the coloration back to deep blue, finishing with a two-hour moonlight period before turning off.

Here is a pic of the schedule:

View attachment 12588
Oh sorry, mis guiding you is never my intention..

What ever you do, don't make any rapid changes ..

I assumed you a running somewhere around 6 hours (actual photo period) at high intensity and meant you can dim your lights to see if its working and then if corals still need more light then can increase duration ..

Now that you decreased the Intensity, see If the zoas are actually opening up when all lights are on if they are then slowly drop the light period to 7 hours( not considering the ramp times)
Now that they are comfortable with the intensity and opening up you can keep the photoperiod at 7 hours and slowly increase intensity by 5% every two weeks or so to get. To your desired color/ intensity

Again, don't make any sudden changes. Drop the duration to 7 hrs or so very slowly over a week (some zoa gurus on here even suggest only 5 hrs of photoperiod under intense lighting )

Sorry for the trouble

I'm too lazy to read, but the light schedule looks okay for time (I don't know actual intensity at this point). I run lights from 7:30am-2am, but half of that time is at under 50 intensity on just blues. Full blast, I run about 8hrs, which is roughly what you show :)
Everyone has you covered... I'd just lower the intensity of the lights. My corals went thru shock also( withered close and lost color) when I first changed from mh to led.