Lurker turned Poster

EricTheRed: You're totally right about my goals with each product. I do plan on getting both the light and the power heads, just wondering in which order would be best.

With the tank I have right now there's a three-shelf system that I only have a carbon filter on right now. There's a place that I can grow macro algae, but I haven't done so yet. I've got to assume it's not expensive, where should I pick it up? I was thinking about making my rear filter look like this.

Thoughts all?

Well, If you plan on doing both then it probably doesn't make much difference which order you do it in. However, if you have nitrates and phosphates in your tank, then get some macro going asap to help otherwise you can't keep sps and flow will be irrelevant. Don't worry so much about having the light cycle reversed unless you're having really big pH swings from day to night. Most tanks run +/- 3.0 swing in pH daily and it has no ill effects on the tank. (Mine tends to fluctuate by +/- 3-4 everyday.) I even read that most tanks swing +/- 5.0 daily and have perfectly healthy tanks. I used to run my macro light 24/7 to help it grow faster (and thus remove more waste from your water).

Here's a good read about pH...

As far as getting some macro, don't worry about that. Just post a new thread here asking for some free Chateo (or macro) and I'm sure someone near you wouldn't mind giving you a handful.
Ah I see. So all this is is the DI portion. This will cost you more money in the long run as you'll go through your DI resin quickly. To put it in perspective my tap TDS is 140. The RO strips it down to 1, then the DI strips that little amount of TDS out. A full RO/DI is not expensive - only $159 at BRS and can hook up right to your sink.

Excellent advice about the ro/di. The $110 bucks you save will be lost very quickly as you regularly have to replace resin cartridges.
. Most tanks run +/- 3.0 swing in pH daily and it has no ill effects on the tank. (Mine tends to fluctuate by +/- 3-4 everyday.) I even read that most tanks swing +/- 5.0 daily and have perfectly healthy tanks.

I think you mean 0.3 - 0.5 swing. a 3.0 - 5.0 swing would be disastrous for your tank.
Thanks again everyone.

It turns out that since I've used the DI filter, even though I purchased a spare, I can't return it to Marine Depot. So, it looks like I'm off to the B/S/T section!

Once it sells, I'll be looking for an RO/DI setup. Perhaps the BRS 5 Stage Plus so I can mount it inline under my sink in the basement.

±3.0-4.0 pH per day! :vollkommenauf:

I thought that was a bit off!

Hopefully someone picks up my filter and light so I can get the fancy RO/DI system!
welcome & glad you decided to register avd.

Your tank looks very well organized... and that's easier said than done. Nice work and keep posting photos!
Russ, that's a nice setup you've got there. I wasn't expecting anything that nice. It looks like you dove right into the hobby and you should be able to keep anything under those MHs.

I forgot to show you the dry rock I was selling. The box is sitting in my dressing room and slipped my mind.

Happy reefing!!!